Park Rules and Safety

If we grant you a site licence to site your holiday caravan/lodge on the Park, it is your responsibility to ensure that these rules and terms are fully observed and adhered to where they apply to you. The Park rules are part of and support your Licence Agreement with the Park. Your licence to site your caravan/lodge on the Park is on the basis that it must not be used as a permanent and/or sole residence. You must not allow any other person to use your caravan/lodge as a permanent and/or sole residence. You must give us your full residential address details in the UK and notify us of any change to that address supported by proof of your new address in the form of a utility bill. We also, require two of the following documentation annually, no later than 30th April each year.

  • Council Tax bill (current year).
  • Bank or Building Society Statement (dated within the last 3 months).
  • Utility bill (dated within the last 3 months).

If we do not receive the above your caravan/lodge will be disconnected from the services & and charges will be applied to your account.

If there is any doubt with regard to you or another individual using the caravan/lodge as a permanent residence, then there will be a full investigation and we may require further proofs. If we are not satisfied, we may terminate your site licence.


  1. The Park Rules may be altered at any time at the Company’s discretion.
  2. The licensee agrees to retain a copy of these rules inside the caravan/lodge at all times.
  3. All caravans that are to be sited on the Park must be purchased from Rocath (Rhyl) Ltd trading as Sunnyvale Caravan Park (also referred to as “the Park Owner “and “the Company” “we” and “us” hereafter).
  4. No external structural alteration of or addition to the caravan/lodge is permitted without prior written approval of the General Manager.
  5. You must not move your caravan/lodge from its allocated pitch without notifying us first. If we are faced with an emergency, we may need to temporarily move your caravan/lodge from its pitch. If possible, we will notify you of the move and aim to give you seven days’ notice. If we propose to redevelop the Park, we reserve the right to move your caravan from its pitch to allow the redevelopment to take place.
  6. If you require a decking system (only UPVC acceptable), ramp for disabled access, storage box, path or patio you must first obtain written approval from the Park Manager. The Park reserves the right to insist on a standard of quality for safety reasons and also aesthetic reasons (only UPVC is deemed acceptable). Any works must be carried out by a Park approved supplier/contractor.
  7. No lines, rotary clothes dryers, windbreaks, fences, plastic netting, hammocks, gazebos or tents shall be erected on the Park. Flowerpots are strictly limited to four per caravan unless agreed with the general manager and must not be placed on any grassed areas. Plants or shrubs must not be planted in the ground without prior permission. Garden ornaments and solar lighting are not allowed without prior permission. In order to dry clothes, we allow window hook-on clothes dryers which are available to purchase/order from reception.
  8. We only permit steps, decking (UPVC), up to two storage boxes (metal) and two gas cylinders only to be stored next to your caravan/lodge. Any other items will be removed and disposed of after a reasonable written notice has been served. Notice will normally be three months or less where there is a need to do so, unless there is a health and safety risk.
  9. We suggest that all perishable goods in your fridge and freezer are removed when the caravan is not in use. We accept no liability for loss of goods due to an interruption in the electricity supply.
  10. Your pitch / base number must be displayed in a clearly visible area. Homemade signs are not acceptable.
  11. A minimum of £13.00 call out charge will be added to your account for any maintenance requests / jobs. There is a fee of £25.00 for empty gas bottle collection (without delivery at any time) and out of hour gas bottle deliveries. Out of Hours are Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. Also, any day after 5pm. To avoid charges, we advise that you always have 2 bottles of gas, one connected and a full one to change over when you run out.
  12. All invoices must be paid within 14 days. An administration fee of £15 per letter, telephone call or email will be added to the sum due in the event of late payment up to a maximum of £60.00. Thereafter, consideration will be given to the possible termination of your licence.
  13. A transfer of your site licence is not allowed without express permission of the Park and will only be agreed if transfer is to an immediate blood relative. Proof will be required of your relationship, along with a transfer fee of £1000.00 + VAT. At our full discretion the provisions below under the heading “Private Sales” apply.
  14. Please ensure that your car is locked, and bikes stored away in the evenings.


  1. Your caravan/lodge must be of a mobile type of proprietary manufacture and of the type first approved by us. Your caravan/lodge must be kept in good order and in clean and wholesome condition at all times and be securely anchored at each corner. All caravans/lodges must be transportable at all times. Tyres and chassis must be kept in good condition and at the right pressure. Caravans must be tethered to the base by means which can be immediately released in case of emergency.
  2. The licensee must clean the exterior of the caravan on an annual basis. Failure to do so will result in a charge of £70 to cover the cost of this maintenance. The exterior colour of the caravan/lodge may not be altered; TV aerials and satellite dishes may not be erected without the prior consent of the General Manager.


  1. The Company reserves the right to ask any person or party to leave the site, if in the Company’s opinion his/her/their presence is such as to interfere with the enjoyment of others.
  2. No post is to be sent to you at the Park. Any post received will be returned to sender, unless a prior arrangement has been made with us.
  3. No alcoholic beverages may be consumed in any public areas of the Park. Acts of vandalism will not be tolerated. Unlawful drugs must not be brought onto or used on the Park. You must ensure that you and your visitors do not discharge any firearms or throw any stones or missiles. The use of guns, airguns, ammunition, including but not limited to imitation or toys, crossbows, bow and arrows, catapults, cap firing or indeed any objects likely to cause offence or injury to others is forbidden on the Park.
  4. Musical instruments, hi-fi, televisions, radios etc must not be used in a manner that is audible or a nuisance to others. Especially between the hours of 11pm and 8.30am.
  5. It is expressly forbidden for anyone to interfere with fire points and appliances on the Park
  6. The Sunnyvale Caravan Park team are there to assist wherever possible. Any acts of violence or abuse to any member of staff, owners or other guests whether expressed verbally or otherwise and the inappropriate or vulgar use of social media in respect of the Park staff, owners or other guests, will not be tolerated and may invoke 1. above under “Conduct”.
  7. You are responsible for your actions, conduct and behaviour and that of the guests visiting your caravan/lodge. We shall not be liable to you or your visitors for the death or injury of you or your visitors, loss or damage to you or your visitors’ property including theft of or from or damage to your caravan/lodge unless due to our negligence or other failure to perform our obligations under these rules and terms or under the general law.
  8. The licensee or their guests must not allow debris to be left anywhere on Park. This includes none authorised, nondomestic items being left in the bin areas. For example, mattresses, electrical goods, carpets, chemical waste etc. Such items can be arranged for collection at the office reception. Tipping will result in fine of £100.00 to cover our reasonable expenses associated with dealing with the same. All domestic rubbish must be deposited in the bins provided, i.e food waste, packaging, nappies, paper. An adult must dispose of any waste including recycling. Children are not permitted to take any waste to the bin areas as the lids can be difficult for them to lift.
  9. There are recycling facilities available on the main drive. The licensee is responsible for their own recycling, as well as the recycling of their guests. There is signage stipulating what may or may not go into the dedicated recycling containers. Failure to adhere to the recycling terms will result in a £1000.00 fine being issued to the licensee.
  10. The Licensee is responsible for the cleanliness of the pitch base and its surroundings and must keep the area underneath the caravan/lodge clear to a distance of 3.5 meters in all directions around the base.
  11. Access to vacant pitch bases is not allowed and the plants or materials on and around the pitch must be left undisturbed.
  12. No groups under the age of twenty-five shall be allowed to occupy your caravan/lodge at any time unless accompanied by you.
  13. No business, professional or trade of any description shall be carried out or conducted on the Park.
  14. You must ensure that the number of people staying in the caravan/lodge at any one time does not exceed the number of berths in your caravan/lodge.
  15. No annex is permissible, and no supplementary tents or marquees/Gazebos are permissible.
  16. In the case of a serious breach by you, a family member or your guests of one or more of these rules or terms which we are unable to remedy we shall be entitled to end your licence. If we end your licence, reimbursement of fees, and other charges you have paid in advance (minus any charges owed to us) for the period after the date the licence ends are at the discretion of the General Manager. A disconnection fee outlined in the general section, number 14 will be charged. If your licence has been terminated and you have not removed your caravan from the Park within thirty days, we may remove and dispose of it and its contents. We will not action this without sending you written notice not less than twenty-eight days. If the condition of your caravan/lodge means that removal is not practical we may impound your caravan/lodge and it shall be deemed to have been removed from the Park. You may not use the caravan/lodge during this time.
  17. No open fires are permitted on the Park
  18. Fireworks are not allowed on the Park.


1.All children must be supervised by an adult whilst in the bar area; designated children’s play areas and Park in general. Ball games are not permitted on the Park. There is an all-weather pitch available for these activities. We expect everyone to have respect, consideration and courtesy at all times to neighbours and other residents. Noise should be kept to a reasonable level during the day. Excessive noise from radios, televisions and stereos will not be tolerated.

2.Complete silence is expected between the hours of 23:00 and 08:00.

3.In the interest of safety, children under the age of 18 should not be left unsupervised when on the Park.

4.Where we have special programmes of events and other facilities for children these are not childcare facilities and children remain the responsibility of their parents or guardians at all times. Please make sure you always know where your children are.

5.Paddling pools are not permitted.

  1. The use of any motorised vehicle other than licensed vehicles are strictly forbidden for use on any parts of Sunnyvale Caravan Park. This includes but not exhaustive: Scooters, Hover boards, Segway’s etc. Welsh road laws are in place across the whole a site and must be always adhered to.
  2. Any toys, once discharged that are likely to potentially cause damage to a person or property are strictly forbidden. If unsure check via the Office prior to use.
  3. It is important that your child or that of any visitors know the pitch number of your caravan / lodge whilst on the Park.
  4.  Children are not permitted to take any waste/recycling to the bin areas.


  1. Pets are permitted on the Park if kept under control and at the Company’s discretion.
  2. Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times and any fouling must be cleaned up immediately.
  3. You must ensure that your dogs do not cause noise or nuisance to other owners, holiday makers or members of staff on the Park. Please exercise your pets off the Park where possible.
  4. Breeds as defined by the dangerous dogs act are banned from the Park.
  5. No dogs can be tethered by any means on any area except where tethering points are supplied outside public buildings.
  6. Cages or enclosures are not allowed unless under human supervision. Dogs can only roam untethered on your decking area if a lockable gate is in place. If your dog escapes, you are responsible for its actions.


  1. The licensee is responsible for ensuring all visitors (family, friends or other guests) have signed in and that we have the correct vehicle details, home address and mobile contact details. If a visitor has not signed in, they will not gain entry to Park. The licensee may phone or email reception ahead of their guest’s arrival. Please ensure you call ahead, during working hours. Emails later in the day may not be picked up until the following day so please email before 13:00 hours to give staff time to pick it up and action it.

The office is not open on Wednesdays and Thursdays so emails sent on these days will not be picked up until Friday at the earliest and possibly later.

Please note, in the future guests will need to check in at the reception so we can issue a photographic facilities pass. Anyone who refuses will not gain entry to the Park.

  1. In case of emergency or loss, a key for each caravan must be left with the Park site office, along with a gas padlock key. If sub-letting 2 keys must be left at the site office. Any keys requested from the site office must be signed out. No keys will be supplied to any person without the authority of the licensee.
  2. You must supply us with the following:
  • A copy of your annual gas appliance safety certificate.
  • If sub-letting, a copy of your annual appliance test certificate (PAT Test)
  • A copy of your electrical Installation test certificate (this should be done once every three years or when due).
  • A copy of your annual insurance certificate. (You are required to insure your caravan/lodge for public liability and against loss and damage).

You can book safety test through the office or authorise us to arrange your tests on your behalf indefinitely. If you choose to arrange your own tests, and we do not receive a valid Gas safety test, or a valid Electrical safety test by the expiry date, a £15 administration charge will be applied to your account, and we will order the test automatically. There will be a £15 administration fee for every letter or email sent or call made requesting copies of your insurance. In each case, it is your responsibility to ensure your certificates are in date and supplied to the Park. It is your responsibility to ensure we have received a valid Insurance certificate within 7 days of the expiry date to avoid an automatic £15 administration fee.

  1. A fire extinguisher recommended by the current British Standard Code of Practice must be installed and regularly serviced and maintained in line with the manufacturer’s instructions. The licensee is advised that it is forbidden to use fire extinguishers which use Carbon Tetrachloride Methyl Bromide and Chlorobromethane.
  2. A smoke and CO (carbon monoxide) detector should be fitted to all caravans/lodges.
  3. If you are not using your caravan for a long period, we strongly recommend that you empty your caravan of all valuables & electrical equipment. We also recommend that the curtains are left open to let in as much daylight as possible and drain down the caravan or lodge. Check your insurance documents to be aware of what your insurer expects you to do when the caravan / lodge is not in use.
  4. You should make yourself aware of the risks surrounding legionnaires disease, particularly showers, taps etc after a period of absence (including winterisation), these measures include but are not limited to spa’s / Jacuzzis.


  1. The Bottled gas must be purchased from us. We sell bottled gas to you at a price no higher than the recommended retail price set by the relevant supplier.
  2. Mobile gas heaters are not allowed on the Park.
  3. We strongly recommend that you arrange for your caravan/lodge to be drained down and disconnected from all mains services and gas cylinders for winter if not being used. Contact the Park office for further details. Check your insurance documents to be aware of what your insurer expects you to do when the caravan / lodge is not in use.
  4. Gas cylinders must not be placed inside your caravan/lodge under any circumstances. A maximum of two cylinders can be kept near your caravan/lodge at any one time. If chained a spare key must be left at the Park office.
  5. All gas flues must be maintained in efficient working order and conform to applicable regulations. In addition, the licensee must ensure that all fixed ventilation openings and screens and grills are kept clean and clear of obstructions at all times.
  6. Metered gas. Meters are a read a minimum of once per year. You are charged per litre and your gas meter measures cubic m³ of gas. For example, if your opening reading is 102 and your meter now reads 224, you have used 122 cubic m³ of gas. This reading is then converted to litres:

122 x 3.85 = 393 litres

393 x 0.72p = £282.96

Please note that 0.72p (charge per litre) is subject to change.


  1. No maintenance work can be carried out on the Park without prior authority and must be completed by a Park approved contractor or on-site maintenance team member. There may be a charge for this service. The minimum charge is £13.00
  2. The electricity supply on site is 750 watt, 35 amp. Any person, either the licensee or guest, may incur a call out charge for the reconnection of the electricity supply should it be overloaded.
  3. All maintenance requests must go through the reception. Please do not approach our maintenance team directly.


  1. Cars or any other vehicle driven on and around the Park must comply with current road legislation. Drivers must hold a current full driving licence. You must ensure that the Park speed limits are adhered to i.e. 5 mph and you are reminded that it is illegal to drive whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Cars must keep to the authorised Parking spaces and must not obstruct roads. Any infringement may result in the vehicle being banned from the Park.
  2. Parking on the grass, pavements and block paved areas is not permitted. Should any damage be caused you will be liable for the costs to rectify it.
  3. No boats, trailers or motor homes of any kind are allowed on the Park without prior consent.
  4. Washing of any vehicles is not permitted on the Park. The use of hose pipes is not permitted on the Park, unless cleaning your decking, caravan or lodge.

Subletting (Receiving money for the use of your caravan / lodge)

  1. Sub-letting of caravans/lodges is not allowed.

The use of your caravan / lodge by your friends and family

  1. You may not sublet to friends and family.
  2. You are responsible for the behaviour of your guests and must make them aware of the Park Rules
  3. Your friends and family may not use your caravan for anything other than holiday purposes and for a maximum of two consecutive weeks.

Private Sales

  1. You have the restricted right to sell your caravan/lodge off Park, once the Park has been notified in writing of your intention and the price at which you will be marketing the caravan/lodge. There is a condition that you have settled all outstanding accounts due to us prior to the caravan/lodge being sold, unless agreed that these amounts will be deducted from any monies owing to you. You will be charged a fee for the disconnection of your caravan/lodge from its services. We reserve the right to first refusal of your caravan/lodge prior to any other sale proceeding.
  2. A caravan over the age of ten years will NOT be allowed to be sold privately to remain on the Park. A lodge (twin unit, 16ft wide or larger) over fifteen years old cannot be sold privately to remain on the Park.
  3. You must conduct the sale process through us. We will receive all purchase monies which will be transferred to you, usually within seven days of the sale completing, minus any monies owing to the Park or finance company.
  4. There will be commission payable on all private sales of 18% + VAT. There is no commission if the van is being sold and removed from the Park, however, disconnection fee of £600.00 (single unit up to 13ft) for caravans and £750.00 (single unit 13ft plus) for lodges (price on application) including vat is payable and other related charges may apply must be paid prior to removal.
  5. You must permit us to approve the prospective buyer by seeking suitable references and carrying out appropriate enquiries. This may involve us requesting a meeting with the buyer in person and carrying out checks with credit reference agencies.
  6. Should we find a buyer for your caravan/lodge then the transaction will happen as an offer to purchase your caravan/lodge from you directly. We will require confirmation in writing or email that the offer has been accepted prior to completing the sale with the buyers. The offer made by us will be subject to any account rebates or charges due and will be settled once the buyer has completed the sale.
  7. The buyer will pay a deposit for the holiday home. The deposit payable is 10% of the purchase price. Once we have received the deposit, we will remove your holiday home from our stock list. The deposit is non-refundable to the buyer and should a sale fall through, the deposit will be split 50/50 between the Park and you. A credit will be applied to your owner account. It is your responsibility to make your buyer aware that the deposit is non-refundable.
  8. Home-made “for sale” signs are forbidden. We will provide professionally made signs for you to use.
  9. You are solely responsible for the marketing of your caravan/lodge should you wish to sell privately. However, we will assist you by keeping a list of private sales in the office to distribute to prospective buyers.
  10. Your site fees are non-transferrable and cannot be included as part of the private sale. Private sale buyers will pay an additional 20% in site fees compared to those who buy direct from Park.
  11. If sold off-Park the caravan must be removed from the Park within two weeks of the off-Park sale completing. We require a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice of when the holiday home is being removed to ensure it is ready for transport. Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that legs and wheels are in working order and have been maintained.

Termination of the Licence Agreement

The Licence Agreement may come to an end in any of the following ways:

  1. Because the Agreement Period has come to an end.
  2. By the sale or transfer of the Caravan or by you losing ownership of it.
  3. By us terminating it because you have broken your obligations under the Licence Agreement or Park Rules.
  4. By you giving us a minimum of 28 days’ notice in writing of your wish to end it.
  5. Should you wish to leave the Park, disconnection fee of £600.00 (single unit up to 13ft) for caravans and £750.00 (single unit 13ft plus) for lodges (price on application) including vat is payable and other related charges may apply must be paid prior to removal.
  6. Prior to your caravan being removed from the Park, you are responsible for removing your decking, steps and personal belongings. The pitch be left clean & tidy and must be returned to its original condition at your cost.

When we may terminate the Licence Agreement

  1. If you are in serious breach of your obligations under the Licence Agreement and the breach is not capable of being remedied or is such that it causes a breakdown in the relationship between you and us, we may serve upon you reasonable notice in writing to terminate this Licence Agreement.
  2. If you are in breach of any of your obligations under this Licence Agreement which is capable of being remedied (for example, a failure to comply with the behaviour standards which has not caused a breakdown in the relationship between you or failure to pay Site Fees promptly), we may write giving you warning, specifying the breach and asking you to remedy the breach within a reasonable and specified time. If you do not comply with that warning and the breach is either serious and/or amounts to persistent breaches of obligation, which taken individually would be minor but which taken together cause a breakdown in the relationship between you and us, we are entitled to write to you to end the Licence Agreement and to require you to make arrangements with us for the removal of the Caravan from the Park within 28 days.

When you may terminate the Licence Agreement

  1. You are entitled to bring this Licence Agreement to an end by writing to us giving us not less than 28 days’ notice.
  2. You may give us a lesser period of notice if you decide not to replace your Caravan on the Pitch following a total loss for which you are insured. You should still give us as much notice as possible.

The consequences of termination of the Licence Agreement

  1. You will arrange with us for the disconnection and removal of the Caravan and all other property of yours from the Park within one month after termination of this Licence Agreement, however that comes about.
  2. We may charge you reasonable storage fees from the date this Licence Agreement ends until the date the Caravan is removed from the Park.
  3. Where you have terminated this Licence Agreement, we will repay to you, at least on the scale set out below, any Pitch Fees (excluding Water & Rates) after the Licence Agreement has ended, less any sums due to us.

Months since due payment Percentage refund due

  1. Up to 1 month 75%
  2. 1 to 2 60%
  3. 2 to 3 55%
  4. 3 to 4 40%
  5. After 31st July each year 0%
  1. The scale of percentage refund payments set out above does not prejudice any further action either party may take against the other if there has been any breach of obligations under this Agreement.
  2. Where we end this Licence Agreement, there will be no refund.
  3. Refunds will not be processed until the caravan / lodge has left the park.
  4. We have the right to retain the Caravan until you have paid any undisputed sum due to us on termination of this Agreement



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